We Need #PowerToLive



We need #PowerToLive drawing


#PowerToLive is a coalition of groups and individuals in the SF Bay Area who joined together in 2019 in response to life-threatening power shutoffs by PG&E. Most of us are BIPOC, disabled, or fat. Many of us require electricity to survive.



We built an all-volunteer network of mutual aid — community members saving our own lives where PG&E, state and local governments were failing to do so. We worked to make sure those most vulnerable in a disaster were not forgotten.



JOIN US on December 16th, 2019, at 12pm, when a coalition of frontline groups will be gathering at PG&E headquarters, 77 Beale Street, San Francisco, to demand power to live. 


DJCC logo

Disability Justice
Culture Club

Fat Rose logo

Fat Rose

ACM logo

Access Centered Movement

Mask Oakland logo

Mask Oakland

CFM logo

Creating Freedom Movements

CRC logo

Community Ready Corps

DVP logo

Disability Visibility Project  

Senior and Disability Action



We demand:

1) That PG&E give back all shareholder profits until PG&E can safely provide life-saving power.

2) That PG&E invest in frontline communities’ basic power needs.

3) That Gov. Newsom and CPUC turn PG&E over to the people. Utility justice is Climate Justice.


We thank our supporters, including the 2000+ people who gave online, the Third Wave Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of the Proteus Fund and the The Fund for Trans Generations at Borealis Philanthropy.



